Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Uff. I just had to pull authority with the secretary. My supervisor asked me tell her to bring an envelope over to safety management (a 10 min. walk round trip). I told this at 12.00 and she tell me now..."Laura, I don't think I am going to have time to do this today. Can it wait until tomorrow." I looked at the clock and said, "No, it has to be done today. Holly asked for it to be done."
"Holly didn't ask me to have it done" she defends.
"No, I asked you to do it. Are you saying my requests aren't as important as Holly's? And I asked you to do it at 12.00"
"No, I will do it. " She tried to take the envelope.
"If you do not have the time to do it, I will do it." I said.
"No, I will do it. It won't take more than two minutes. I am just really busy today." She said over her shoulder as she walked out.

My god. Do what I tell you. I don't make up shit for the fun of it.
I am also a little frustrated because the new girl is having some major computer usage problems. I don't think she has worked on PC's very much, and so I am constantly being summoned to help her eject a disk, find a document, open a document, etc. etc.

Aside from that. Labor Day weekend was a very good. Went to my Dad's on Saturday, got there around 7.00. We made a fire, talked and made a hochunk language tape. Sunday, Tim used a brusher for the first time in his life and got a little cut crazy and cleared quite a bit of area (slowly he will become a man....first he got to chop wood, now he got to brush, next up...the chainsaw...I think he is excited). My loot this weekend: a leather hoodie, 1/2 elk hide, shitload of beads (lots of size 10's so that I can work on beadweaving), some more pictures, xmas ornaments, photo albums, a pendleton throw, frames that I am going to rework...etc etc.

The most notable event happened when I was named "The Family Record Keeper." (It's weird. I admit. )

I also went the powwow, where for the first time in years, it didn't rain. There were TONS of dancers for the grand entry. I had a good time watching that and thought about making a fancy shawl outfit for my niece, and then watching my father buy leather. I even got a slushie, family bonding, and had corn soup and frybread for dinner. Coming back Monday was a battle with all the traffic.

This week looks busy yet again. Shopping tonight, laundry, projects, Tim's going to London again this weekend for a week.


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