Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Got home yesterday to one bill and a alumni newsletter from the Entomology department at UW-Madison. Decided to have french toast for dinner because the bread is on it's last legs and I don't want to waste it all, with a piece of sausage for flavor. Then we watched the first half of the extended Lord of the Rings DVD. I decided we couldn't wait for anyone to watch it, and I would happily watch it a seventh time. I love that movie, and so we are going to watched the second half later this week. Having french toast and watching the movie without waiting for anyone else to see it with us, felt so naughty and like I was a kid hanging out in a adults house. Cooking whatever I want, and using their cool stuff. After we watched the first half and decided to save the second half we went to each of our own computers. I managed to actually write 3,154 words in an hour and half. Amazing! You see? I will not fail, not while I can still type.

Today however, I am in a bad mood. Just woke up that way and it actually hasn't improved too much even though things seem to be going my way. I guess, I am just not allowing a lot of room for irritants today. I am hoping that I am radiating some thing that lets people know not to bother me with trivial things and to just let me be, and only come to me if it is important and you have tried every other avenue. Bah. Somehow that isn't working, and yet it is. I have the potential to be much worse. Yesterday I was interrupted EVERY 15 minutes. I did not have a stretch of time longer than that to myself, or to get any work done. I am glad this is only a four day week. Since Tim was taking off Friday to meet Jim, I decided to take it off too. Then we made an appointment for two of the skats to go to the vet and get their shots in the AM. I like four day weeks, and then next week is only a three day week.

Rock on.


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