Friday, December 13, 2002

Geez..what day is it? I do know that it is Friday. Seemed like this week went by pretty quick. I got most of the Christmas cards done the other night and last night, but have a few I need to finish up on (mostly because I don't have the addresses...and I NEED the addresses). Then on Saturday I am going to make the trek to Evanston Post to get stamps and mail them...or maybe I will get stamps to day and then affix them at home for easy mailing on Saturday....there is one package I have to send and rather than slathering the box with stamps, I would like to go for the classy paid stamp look.'s Friday the 13th. I knew that.

Tim came home last night! We smoked a smoke and went to bed. He was tired and so was I. This morning at 5.30AM I was having this really weird dream, and I had gotten to a point in the dream when I was standing by my Mom wearing a red shirt, entering a house. She was opening the door and I noticed that she was shaking all over, she turned to me and half-smiled and said "The end of the world is here. I didn't realize I would be nervous." I told her she wasn't nervous, just excited. Then I felt a sharp pain on my chest by my armpit... I reached for it in reality and woke up screaming because there was a monster on me! Like a long snakey mouse with claws and stuff. I sat straight up....and seconds later Tim started to make noise and then sit up asking me what was wrong. It was kind of funny at that point...I was really scared...but realized after sitting up for a second that the monster was Arkham. Stupid cat.


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