Friday, February 21, 2003

WaaHOO. Last day of work then a vacation. Today, I merely have to finish the goddamned Cell, have a meeting with Katie at 10:00, order pizza and set up for Andrew the temp and my ride for the last couple of months to work, going away party. He is going back into the strange world of Opera production. Tim and I may attend our first opera when he gets us tix for the Turn of the Screw sometimes in last March, early April.

Last night I was going to bake brownies, but I got home late after shopping after work. Tim was staying late, so I decided I was in no rush to get home, so I stopped by Borders where I bought The Cabinet of Curiosities (27 bucks!, but I figured it was okay because I was going to go on vacation and vacation needs a great book...and extra indulgence...kind of thing), a Kit called "Stamp a Christian Greeting" which is awesome because for $5.99 I got: 20 stamps (the only lame one being WWJD), a pair of paper scissors with a pattern I did not have, six colored pencils, a stencil sheets, 5 little brass ornaments, gold string, six blank cards with envelopes, two brush markers AND a book! I played with the set all last night, using sheets from my newly acquired journal with metal covers. I can't explain's cool and I got it for three bucks, on sale 75% off.

I made Andrew's going away card this morning. 8) I loves it. And I know Sigrid would love it too, if she could see what a bargain it was.


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