Friday, May 02, 2003

I did three loads of laundry, made dinner and put the clothes away...all without a problem...why? Because I watched two episodes of SG1. It rocked. It's even cooler because I can watch it whenever I want too and not have to wait for Tim's lame ass to find time in between 'dropping loads' to watch with me. [lol...]

Tonight we are going to Milwaukee to see Stromkern at Club ? and stay at Brother-in-Law Ben's house. Saturday morning, sleep in ... and maybe go see Mighty Wind or X-Men II. Eventually we will drive to Madison in time to toast Sigrid a happy birthday at the inferno. Spend the night. Sunday, putz and then go the A23 show, and then on Monday Tim has an interview. I took the day off. I also realized that we have Memorial Day off this month too. TWO days off in one month. Cool.

Although I could take more if I wanted. I know this. Still, two four day weeks are exciting. I am also taking the work studies, and my program assistant out to lunch in appreciation for their help. Luckily for me the department is going to pay for the work studies, and I only pay for Katie. Cool. Then my boss ripped off my idea and decided to take Flo, Cindi and I out to lunch sometime this month too. :| Copy cat.

Then one last note....yesterday I wore my hair down and I got three or four accusatory statements of "Your hair is getting so long." Like a threat. Just the same as saying "My god, you are murdering a kitten!" Anyway. I expressed frustration at how to respond to this ridiculous statement and with help came up with these replies:

Your hair is getting so long!

A. Yes, rogain does wonders.
A. Just one of my many skills.
A. You think it looks real?
A. I know, I know...but your grandmothers hair was down to there. (This is in response to all those that HAD to tell me how much longer their grandmother's hair was (in addition to how much more indian they were than me, when I did have long hair)
A. I am in mourning. Thanks for bringing it up.
A. Yes. Let us not talk of this again.
A. That is what everyone has been saying.
A. I am gonna be Cher for Halloween
A. You should see my fingernails.
A. I was shipwrecked.
A. Actually I just it cut.
A. That's what you think.
A. Yeah! If you just put egg and urine in it every other day, it does wonders!
A. The magic charm is working!

OHHHH and last night I had a dream I met Eminem and we were freinds. He was really cool and fun to hang out with.


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