Friday, May 16, 2003

I made a rhubarb and strawberry pie last night. It was good with whip cream, but I am also looking forward to cold pie...this pie gets better with age. Yesterday we FINALLY sent in the rest of the Epic buearacratic bullshit. Finally. Madison Media Institute, of course didn't come in again, but through some finess on both Tim and I's part, we got them to fax us a copy of it. The last thing we needed. Tim made it to the post office barely, and I got a ride home. It is nice to not have to worry about it anymore. The ball is no longer in our court, and anything that happens now is not our fault because we ... okay okay... Tim did his best.

I had this dream where I popped a white head, and it was HUGE! Like five straight heavy lines of white clay. I walked around showing people...mainly Tim, who didn't seem very interested in it. I thought that it must have been enough for a world's record, but no body seemed to care.


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