Tuesday, June 17, 2003

I spent what feels like the entire day working on this application for an awesome job that Sigrid pointed out to me. If anything, this is a dream job and I am a perfect fit for all the desired qualifications. Wish me luck!

I am currently waiting for Tim to come and pick me up. Stupid darling feel asleep and only left to pick me up like 10 min ago. Oh well, at least I get a ride home, even if it is to bring more boxes home. I have become the box bum around here. Sneaking them, and picking them up whenever someone is not looking. I am getting QUITE a collection. But I have to if I am going to have all the boxes we need to move in the house by the time Tim goes to Madison. Otherwise I would be stuck carrying boxes home on the train and I can tell you right now---that is NOT going to happen. It's bad enough I have to take myself home on the train. :P

I was thinking about going out to Nocturna tonight. They have some special event going on tonight, and it would be one of the last times with my darling before he is gone. All I need to do is go home and take a long nap, and then get up and head out. I think I have caught up on enough sleep that I can get away with a maneouvre like that. Hell, Cyndi is even going to a concert tonight and she is more than twice my age, that is how much spunk she has left in her. What's wrong with me? I would like to blame it on me still growing, but I think the significant (good) physical growing is done. Blah.

Oop. He's here.


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