Sunday, July 27, 2003

Today was a ruff day. I drank more than I intended to do last night, and felt worse than I wanted to today. Why is it, that when you are feeling your worst all you can think about is what an idiot you were "drunk talking." What's worse is, the usual advice of "Oh don't worry about it, everyone was drinking," doesn't apply because my two victims don't drink. Ack.

So, the party went well, thanks to everyone that came out. We really appreciated it. I can't believe it went on until 4.00 in the morning. We got tons of packing and cleaning up done so that now the apartment is a little bit more managable. The sucky thing is I am running out of boxes. This packing up everything, absolutely everything, really sucks my box resource down. I have like five boxes left and some more packing to do. While it is the odd's and ends now, they add up...I am going to have to start bringing a box or two home on the train for the next two days. Either that or buy some and I HATE buying boxes.

I called my Mom tonight and had a chat. The first time in a long time. I feel bad for my brother Josh. I wish he would see some worth in himself and ... try.

Tim left late tonight. I bet he won't get back to Madison until like 1.30 or so. Poor darling. I miss him a lot right now. The distance is starting to take it's toll. I just want to be around my darling for unlimited amounts of time. To get a hug, a kiss or an 'i love you' whenver I want too. To just ..."be" with Tim. Only three more nights, including tonight.

I should go to bed. I am tired and didn't get much sleep last night or today.


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