Monday, September 08, 2003

I know we can, yes we can can. If we wanna, yes we can, can, yes we can work it out.

I am getting very sick of that slimfast commercial. I can't do anything, much less drink a nasty shake and hope for the best. There isn't much food in the house --- I am making one of thos Ragu Pasta things now. The last in the box that we have had for months. I took the dog out into the heat and he went poo like a good boy, however that is where the goodness ended. Then he walked around he yard a bit. Laid down. Walked around some more. Nosed at a grass or two and then started whining. He has been whining quite a bit more in fact. My guess this time is he didn't want to be outside anymore because it is hot and therefore didn't go pee. He came in. Drank some water and then hit the futon. Now 10 min later he comes into the office, get a pet or two and then crashes down on his dog bed. I think he is depressed.

Perhaps the stress of coming off the race track to this enviroment has used up all his ... adnreniline. And now he is suffering from a withdrawl. Yes, that must be it. And he just farted. Eck.

This weekend was pretty good. On Saturday we went to the neighbors for their son's graduation party and ended up staying for over five hours! There was one other neighbor there, so we got to meet more of the people who live around us and chat. Tim brought Pluto over after awhile and he loved people attention. So much in fact that when Sarah dropped by on Sunday for a visit I saw his tail wag for the first ever when meeting someone. He really liked her. Saturday night Phil invited us to play cards and for the first time I played for money. I won a whopping 1.40 cents or something. Tim lost all of his.

Last night we rented and watched Shanghi Noon. It was funny. Next up is Drunk Punch Love and Animal Farm.


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