Monday, November 17, 2003

Dang it. I had written a nice long post and then my crappy key board and my fingers had an argument. I was given a chance to save it or cancel it without saving. I took the obvious choice and saved it. But now I have no idea where it might have gone.

Sigh. What a cruel joke. Now I have to start over.

Tim's birthday party was a resounding success. The Benninghoff Birthday Curse has been abolished! I think the key might be turning a new decade. Thank you again to everyone that came. Tim really, really had a good time. Our bar is now well stocked and we can start getting the bonus things like Ammaretto and stuff to make fancy drinks. Grampa Geisler even gave him a PC game: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The day after he was like a kid on Christmas morning, playing his game. Unlike me who was feeling a little ill on the account of mixing drinks (wine, beer, southern comfort and vodka?...ewwww). I had a headache the whole day which finally went away well into the evening and then came back at the Inferno later that night. I had to leave after I first felt the tinges of it returning and not finding any aspirin. Thank god for pain killers. I can still remember the pain even now and feel a hundred times better for not having it still.

On Friday night Matt S. and Sigrid came knocking on the door at 3:00 in the morning because they were locked out of Sigrid's place. So we had guests! Then Saturday night Aric and his friend Laura spent the morning...well they were supposed to spend the night and were the whole reason we went to the Inferno to begin with. I ended up giving them my keys to the house and had set up beds. Our air mattress might be a lost cause. We did buy patches for it but even after putting them on the mattress it still was deflated after about an hour. Suck. So, I got up at five in the morning and realized that the living room light was still on. I go and check, and both beds were still unused. I looked outside to see if they were sleeping in their car, but nothing was there . I went back to bed and then got up again to check my cell phone and answering machine to see if they left a message. Nothing. I went back to bed and then got up again at 7:00 to feed the cats. Who pulls into the driveway then, but Aric. Apparently they went to an after bar. I opened up the door for them, and for a brief moment turned into a parent "Where were you? I was worried!". At that point Tim got up and we took Pluto to the dog park where he had a blast and got some treats from one of the other ladies that goes there every weekend with Annabelle (the biggest treat whore there ever was).

After the dog park, I went back to bed, and Tim went to play his video game some more. At 12.30 Sigrid called, and we all piled into the car to have breakfast at the original pancake house. It was great! I haven't gone out for breakfast in a really long time. Then Aric and his friend left, and we went back to bed to get up again at 6:00 where I worked on some beadwork projects and Tim played more of his game.

I still have to clean up. Thank goodness the mess is downstairs and I can procrastinate on it. The funny thing is when Tim left this morning to go to work there was a grill on the front porch step. It was from Phil who had confused the date of the party and wasn't able to come. Apparently they can't have it anymore and don't have the we have a grill! How awesome is that? I might have to grill something before the snow falls.

You see? It was a great weekend. I have the warm fuzzy feeling that Tim's birthday was a success for once, and thank goodness there is a month before the Christmas party. I can't wait until we get that day/trundle bed for the guest room. It will be so nice.

I don't think the beaded flowers thing I was to make and figure out for Jen is going to work. I did figure out how to do it, and made some petals and flowers..but I just don't like how it looks. However, I did get the idea to make trees. Now the trees...they are super cool. Right now I am working on beaded Christmas trees. I need to get more wire and floral tape. I am so excited about this. I wish I could sell them somewhere or something. Maybe after I make a few. I did realize this weekend that my crafting has exploded.

This morning I watched two shows on the history channel about the SS Waffen. The show focus I think, was to try and figure out ... why they were so loyal, even to the end when what they were fighting for was a mere delusion. It's hard when you see something like that...they believed what they were doing was right. That it was just, and even though I don't believe what they did was right (with as much vigor as they believed otherwise), who in the history of man wouldn't want an army that was that loyal? Everyone wants people to be utterly loyal to whatever the cause. A king wants people to follow him and protect, a nation to it's citizens, or family to relatives, or even people to their friends. It's strange that they were exactly just that....loyal to the end, and yet no one can understand why.


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