Thursday, July 15, 2004

Help me out here folks, what the hell should Tim do with his life? Rather, what job do you think Tim should do. So far, we think something with information, politics would be nice, maybe library science, or some kind of science that doesn't directly involve sitting at a bench all day, or even something radically different that we haven't thought of yet.

Last night Phil, Erin, Jeremy and John came over for a grill out. It was a great visit! With just enough food and we roamed around the house sitting the living room, outside and office with terrific free flow conversation. Phil and Erin are moving this week, but coming back next week for their going away party. Where are they going to? Ohio. Wheeling, Ohio. But it for something really cool, and that is for Erin to go to stain glass restoration school. How awesome is that?

Opps, gotta get dressed. Taking the 'little' mini golfing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't know tim was unhappy with his job... well, rephrase that: unhappy enough to actively want a different one.

maybe i'm just a dumb catholic into suffering, because i worked at a job i didn't like for almost five years. i liked the work itself, most of the time, but hated my boss, the pay, the hours and the commute. and sometimes the work, too. but i hardly ever looked for a different job, because i'm a dumb catholic into suffering.

which i already said...

anyhow, if tim is interested in both politics and information, i'd suggest he call the people at the wisconsin democracy campaign. not that i know they've got a job opening or anything but i've read that people sometimes manage to talk themselves into a great job by just setting up an appointment to go in and talk to the boss about "opportunities in the field" or something vague like that.

i suggest this having never tried it myself but on the basis of the facts: A] i think the WDC does good work and B] it seems to fit in with some of the thing's tim sounds interested in and C] i'm sure he's got the technical skills to do something useful for them and D] maybe if he gets a job there it'll be easier for me to work for them if we ever move back to wisconsin or he could let me know if there is a similar organization anywhere around here.

otherwise i know the deforest library was always looking for part-time help every couple months or so; of course, that's not really a support your family kind of job... but it is library work!

this was also phil, again.

9:22 AM  

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