Monday, August 08, 2005

Good Morning,

I know many of you make me part of your Monday morning routine. I know this because I make YOU part of my Monday morning routine. Isn't it nice to feel like you have come back after a vacation -- even if it is only the weekend.

Last night was awful for me. I woke up at 2.45 with nails driven into my face. Sinus and lady problems (if you know what I mean). I debated whether or not I should get Midol or Excedrin -- and after another 15 minutes of debate about whether or not I felt good enough to get out of bed, I got the midol. Back in bed, I laid awake for 20 minutes or so listening to the neighborhood. I heard the bird clock click 3:00 AM. I heard branches falling down onto the neighbors camper or car, and I heard three cars drive by. What are those people doing up at 3:00 Monday morning? I wished I could see into their minds and discover their motivation.

After awhile my younger brother Ditto came into the room. He was 14, blond and had just run away from his home. He asked me if he could stay and I said yes. I was sleeping next to my mother. Suddenly fear crept into his eyes and he said "He's here." I told him to lay down and hide underneath the bed, and then pretended to sleep myself. A strange man reached over to me and started to grab my arms.

"Wake up Mom. Mom..Mom....wake up," I struggled to say.

"Wake up Laura, you're dreaming!" Tim said and shook my shoulder.
"Oh," I sighed relief.
"A nightmare, huh?"
"Yeah," I fought against falling into the same dream. "What were you dreaming about?"
"I forgot," Tim answered sleepily.
"Oh," I turned on my side and tried to think of happy things. After five attempts I came across cataloguing bike rides I've had before sleep claimed me again.

So this morning, I felt like I battled ten sea creatures. We woke up late. I wasn't hungry. I decided to opt for drugs and coffee for breakfast. When I was dropped at work, I decided I needed a special drink to help me make this day right. First I went to the University Book store -- but they were closed. Bastards. Starbucks got my money minutes later and I walked out with a four dollar cup of coffee. Mocha with whip cream. good.

Friday night, I had gone out with Hilary for a good old fashioned night of Coffee House. She brought a journal and sketch pad and I brought my journal and a notebook. We ended up at Michelangelo's on State with an ordinary cup of joe. Nestled into a little table against the wall, we started delved into our projects -- a short story for me and sketch for her. Conversation happened, but it wasn't forced. It was good. I had a really good time -- to be honest I can't remember the last time I had such a good time.

Saturday was nothing really eventful. I watched some movies on TV (Casper), did some beadwork, went for an 8 mile skate, played some vids and then got a massive headache and went to bed.

Sunday we took Pluto to the dog park, picked up the paper and our Sunday PDQ muffins on the way home and made some tea and coffee. Later on I cleaned, went shopping and then hosted a BBQ for the family. Tim made his signature margarita's and we talked into the night. It was a lot of fun. :)

That brings me to now. I am at work, I have a small pile of things to do, but since surfing the Internet is usually at the top of my morning to do list -- I thought I would contribute.

I made a list of 15 goals last week for August. One of the goals is to book something interesting for Tim's vacation in the beginning of September. (And this year we are planning on buying tickets to Albuquerque to visit some friends in early November -- but that is vacation part deux). But the first vacation for DH is to just spend time around home and little things. I have a picnic planned for devil's lake -- but I would like something else to do. We have done House on the Rock, Stoughton Troll Way, Go Karts at Wisconsin Dells, anyone have any ideas for something fun to do around Wisconsin?

Pluto has been super cat sensitive lately. We have decided to get a foster so that another dog would boost his confidence about being around cats.

Now to do some work and be productive.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun things in Wisconsin. Thats a tough one. Not because there arent fun things to do, but with our little tribe of kidlets, we didn't do much unless it was totally kid friendly.
How far are you willing to go though? Day trip, overnight? Door County is pretty, anywhere along the Lake Michigan shoreline? MI-upper penninsula (especially on Lake Superior) is incredibly beautiful. Maybe a day trip out to the MN/WI border along the river?
Right in Madison...ever do the Cap Brewery tour? Thats something we wanted to do before we moved, but never got around to.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you've never been, you could go to the mount horeb mustard museum in the morning and then head up route 19 [i think] towards baraboo, where you should run into the weird metal sculpture gardens of doctor somebody, stopping along the way for lunch at any of the many small roadside taverns, grills or macdonalds family restaurants.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Just go camping. Camping is fun no matter where you go. Rafting is fun too. Well, we never go 'rafting'... we just get some innertube (spelling?) tires and let the current take us downstream. We did that in Hartman creek, but that has a little swampy part. It's a lot of fun though, especially when you hook a cooler to your innertube and fill it with beer and cheese. mmmm.

Mustard museum is interesting. I like the commie mustard. They don't provide pretzels though so smuggle them in. I always wanted to check out that circus museum too, but never got around to it. Door County is pretty fun. Especially during cherry and apple season. yum. Picking cherries is a lot of fun.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Hilary said...

that dream is really creepy. Damn you, I vowed not to watch the scary movies or read the books and now I have to not listen to your dreams.

6:49 PM  

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