Monday, April 03, 2006

Guess what? My co-workers phone fixed itself! Thank god. She noticed that it was clean this morning too "looks like new!" She mentioned that it was on the fritz too, so now I don't feel so bad for almost wrecking her phone with my cleanliness.

They came back from the International trip on Saturday, so my holiday is over at work. Boy is it. Everyone is in the office today and rushing about. I just want to go home. It was really hard to get up this morning because I heard the wind howling through the trees and wet spats hit the ground. But I had to be here, and so I dragged myself in. I almost fell asleep on the bus.

Lots to do today -- I am anxious to get home and do them. Or at least just be home.

Laddy, the foster dog, may have a new home soon. I hope it works out -- although he his a good boy. He's hardly noticeable anymore. He very well may be gone by the end of the month! Then we have to get one more cat to the vet -- Innsmouth cost us a bundle with her two teeth pulling and cleaning, plus shots and "wellness check." I don't think Arkham's teeth are as bad so he should be a tad cheaper. Not by month. Cats. The only cheap pets are barn pets --- cats in particular.


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