If you know me, then you know that I take lots of pictures -- but isn't that what new camera's are for? Also, if you want the full fledged version of a photo for print, then let me know.

Look at the difference!
Andrew before at age 13 and now at age 15 (you can see more photos of him in the gallery)
Amazing, isn't it?
So updating the photos is what I spent most of today doing. It's nice and breezy out, and loud because the city is cutting down branches across the street. I wonder if they leave that wood there, I am quite interested in going over and helping myself to a big log. IT might be too heavy though...but what a nice bench it would make for the back yard!
I really don't want to go back to work tomorrow. :( I hope it isn't rainy or sucky. That would make it better I guess. At least they are half days and I actually have both of my two days off to myself until the third week of June! Nephew doesn't need anyone to hang out with him until then.
Well, I suppose I should go to the store to get some grub and see if they have any CRL. That soaking it in paper towel, with a plastic bag and rubber band is a good idea. I hope it doesn't eat through it. Hm.. maybe I should test drive it. ALTHOUGH, I seemed to have solved part of the problem by pushing the whole faucet to the left. If it's pushed overall the way it doesn't leak. I know it's quick fix solution...but I like those!
I should sit outside for awhile with some ice tea and work on a letter. Get away from the computer for awhile.
I think I would have been crushing on Andrew if he'd been around back in, say, 1986.
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