Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Heya, how's it going?

I heard on the news this morning that if your front walk isn't shoveled by noon today that you could get a $100 fine. The two houses to my right aren't shoveled...one because the renters who are living in the RV parking in front of the house ... probably can't find their shovel. Plus, they usually can't be bothered. Then the house next to them is vacant because the owner died a few months ago and trust me, his family was a bunch a losers who were living off of him - classic elderly abuse. I have shoveled these two sidewalks twice -- when no one was there (the RV hippies do take trips away). But this snow is too sucky for it, and the house on the end of the block has a freaking snowblower. One time I shoveled all the way to within a sidewalk square to where his property started...I figured "He'll connect it."

Did he? Hell no. He went only to his property line and quit. So, there was a patch of snow there for two weeks. Geez.

This house is a MESS! I won this bet I had with the DH two weeks ago about the name of a coffee house on Atwood. He said "Cafe Zoom" because it's ...fast and speedy like, you know ... zoom. I said "No, it's not. It's Cafe Zoma." We argued, and then he said "I'll bet you a weeks worth of dishes, and you wouldn't even have to lose anything."

I said "No, I'll do garbage for a week."

We drive by and guess what? It was Cafe Zoma. *pats self on back*

But I said I wanted to use this dishes in parts...not one whole week, but seven days worth of dishes. Well I tried to redeem one of them on Saturday...but he only did half of them. I daresay it managed to make the kitchen even messier! Then we had three little ankle biters we were watching and I just didn't want to bother. I mean, you can't walk three feet when they are around without almost stepping on one them. Especially if you are in kitchen (they are looking for scraps). Now I have a whole house to catch up on.

I still need to send out State taxes too.

We are dog watching our friend's bulldog starting this ... Thursday or Friday to Sunday. I wonder what that will be like? I mean that is like SUCH a different kind of dog that our sweet, delicate, quiet Pluto.

Well, I suppose I should get started on making my "list" for today. Today is the kind of day that needs a list because there is so much to do. Things like: showering, dressing, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, finishing a letter, cleaning the desk, organizing that crap, making the bed, putting clothes away, figuring out some kind of dinner (venison lasagna I think...), write a scene for a play, package up some mail, made a CD liner, go to the post office, work on my latest crochet project (slippers for Leta with Irish rose flowers on top)...well that's a start.


Blogger Hilary said...

are the shoveling police going to drive around taking notes? I wonder. You know, if they started fining people for little stuff all the time...think of all the money! It's a good thing I'm not in charge because I would be encouraging major fine enforcement and everyone would hate me.

12:35 PM  

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