Mingle2 - Online Dating
It's rated PG-13 because of the presence of the following words:
- pain (3x)
- crap (2x)
- hurt (1x)
Well this week was fired. I'm glad that it's Friday and that my mood has lifted.
First. My Mom was sent to the hospital because starting on her birthday last Friday, she went into kidney failure. She finally went to the doctors on Tuesday just in time for them to do something. So she is still there. At first they thought it might be a blockage, but it wasn't. The last I heard though they were still doing tests, and then my step dad called to tell me that she urinated last night on her own which is apparently a good thing. I hope she can recover from this... I mean I don't know anything about kidney failure so .... yeah. I guess I'll get more updates at they come.
Second, well you already know about the credit card fraud thing.
Third. The stupid quad screening test that we did came back positive for a risk of Downs Syndrome. Thanks for the reassuring Rachel. I know it has a high rate of false positives but even so, knowing that doesn't make it any easier when you get the results that everything is not seeming to be perfect. It put the DH and I into a funk, I won't lie. To give you the skinny:
- For any woman aged 31, your chances of having a baby with DS is 1 in 586.
- The cut off point for a positive test results from my doc's office is 270.
- We have a risk factor of 1 in 255. That means we have a .4% percent chance of having a baby with DS, or a 99.6% chance that everything is fine.
- The miscarriage rate for amniocentesis is .5%
- We have an appointment on Monday the 25th for type II detailed ultrasound to look at Bacon Bit.
- 40-50% of babies with DS will show signs of it in the ultrasound
- We are hoping very much that the ultrasound will show us that everything is okay so we won't have to make a decision regarding the amniocentesis. The chances of us having a miscarriage as a result of this procedure are higher than our chances of having a baby with downs.
To be honest, I don't want to talk about it so, I'll update you when I know something. I will say that today I am feeling much more optimistic about things today, which is a nice feeling. I don't wear depression well.
Well, I suppose I better go and walk the dog.
I'm glad I could offer some reassurance regarding the quad screen. I am sure you will see a healthy happy bacon bit on your ultrasound today! good luck!
I'm really sorry to hear about your mom's health. I don't know what else to say except I know that having a parent with serious health problems can be stressful and I hope you are coping well.
~Carrie Moffett
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