I don't feel good right now. I'm having another headache day. I think it happened because yesterday I thought to myself "Hey, I haven't had a bad headache since we got back from vacation." See? I totally caused it.
I started a headache journal for real this time. I hope I can figure out what caused it today. It's mostly likely the weather though honestly, it's a dramatic change from yesterday.
In spite of it, we did attend a neighborhood Packer party this afternoon. We brought a savory appetizer, but since we were an hour late it wasn't eaten much. That's okay, it's a good recipe to keep for future use. Because of this I showered, got dressed up a bit and even did a few dishes. At the party everyone knew I were pregnant -- which was kind of cool. We got lots of congratulations and smiles. I had my first belly touch by a neighbor I generally try to avoid because she's a chatterbox -- but it was only a tentative poke...so I'll let it go. I think overall, the neighbor's are excited that there is starting to be more kids in the neighborhood. Not that we regret living in a mixed age neighborhood -- after going to a neighborhood garage sale this weekend where it was ALL young families -- we rather like ours.
After the game was over and the Packers won, we went home and took a nap. I got up about an hour later because the headache returned and tried some facial massage and meditating for an hour before deciding to get up and do something productive. Tim woke up at that point and together we put a metal shelf together in the basement so I can get started on emptying my stuff out of the guest room. That is my goal this week -- I WILL NOT get caught up in going through all my stuff like a hoarder generally does. I think I am also going to leave the sewing machine upstairs...babies won't be getting into that for quite awhile, right?
Well, I think the pain is subsiding a little. I am going to move into the living room and watch the 4400. I missed it last week because of our Labor Day BBQ. This weekend we are looking at visiting my Dad. Tim was thinking he might be able to get the room taped and painted this week -- but a the rate we are going ...that may not happen. Then the weekend after that is Mark's wedding (Tim's youngest brother). Then the weekend after THAT is two parties -- one of which is out of town. Then the weekend after that is a wedding reception and Bacon Bit's baby shower... Yikes.
The best part of this weekend though, was Tim suggesting we go to garage sailing yesterday. So we woke up, got breakfast and large decaf coffee's from Mc Donald's and strolled around looking for treasures. I bought a white crib sheet, a cute onsie with bugs on it, some clothes for a friend of mine, and two large plastic storage bins for 50 cents each! I also got a cross-stitch kit and some xmas cards. I think I might have all the cards that we need .... I think. With the rising cost of postage, how can one continue to buy cards brand new?
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