38 Weeks and 4 Days folks!

And here is me acting natural, outside with Pluto -- who, in case you couldn't tell -- wanted to play. I have edited all the photos for October, but my poor knees can't take sitting here that much longer to upload and then caption them. That will have to wait until I am done running some errands and getting out of the house (dropping off monitor to Hilary and then going to Target (to get some stuff) and Michaels to see if there are any good after Halloween sales).
So since people are leaving messages about what to expect in the hospital I thought I'd leave my 2 cents. 1)if you want to have your guess be right, have sex tonight or tomorrow. It's not foolproof, but my water broke only about 12 hours after we did, and that was still 4 days earlier than my official duedate.
2)I didn't need boob pads or shirts (well, I needed a shirt the day we went home) in the hospital b/c my milk wasn't oozing all over yet (that came later, at home) and I wasn't wearing a bra, and i was wearng a hospital gown that opened in the front (ok and when I wasn;t I did wear a t-shirt but again no bra). yoga pants sound like agood idea, something you fit into just before giving birth. We are sening you a box of clothes an dstuff and I think there are some Lansingo bads in there.I liked only Lnasigno and one other brand that is escaping me now.
Dave ended up sleeping in the room the whole 48 hours.
you won't need anything to entertain you once the baby comes b/c you will likely be tired, people will be calling an d visiting, nurses will be checking your vitals every 4 hours so you'll be tired, and the baby will want to be with you, an don top of that if you deliver vaginally you'll have a rush of hormones that will make you totally hyper. So that's that.
Hmm....regarding hte nursery, we really used it. I needed sleep and they were good with her. THey brought her in for breast feeding. While we were up we hung out together.
Labor and delivery rocked for me, so I have happy memories (except when dave freaked out and sam was freaking out!)
anyway good luck and I'll be excited to hear how it all goes.
Are you in labor now? I see your guess of 11/4 at 4 am. I don't know if that's been there a while, or if you just put it up!
Whoops, never mind. Found your mention of your guess.
Uhm...what Karen said...about having sex...
I like the Lansinoh pads too though it's kind of a pain that they are individually wrapped.
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