Monday, November 19, 2007

Well, we finally have some Thanksgiving plans!

The 41 week doctor appointment went well. Bacon Bit passed the nonstress test with flying colors. I am almost completely effaced and Bacon Bit has moved even further down that before, however the cervix remains stubbornly closed and only a fingertip dilated. That means no membrane sweeping was possible (you need at least 2-3 inches dilated for that) and it means induction.

We were given the option of Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) or Saturday. We opted for Thursday because we would really rather not have Bacon Bit share her birthday with a cousin. Plus, it's not like we can travel anywhere. We start on Thursday morning REALLY early at 5:30 AM with the cervix ripening and then they'll start the picotin later in the day. Hopefully, Bacon Bit is all ready to come out and just needs a little prompting.

Things I am worried about (because I always have to be worried about something):

-what are we gonna do with Pluto since everyone is out of town? Tim is going to have to leave a few times during the day to let him out ... and what if he leaves during THAT critical time?

-What is Tim going to eat? Since I can't eat anything (read order extra food) until the Bit is born.

Oh I have lots more thoughts and stuff regarding this. I am still processing it all. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed that the Bit wasn't able to pick her own birthday. That I am sad that this couldn't start naturally -- I had hoped that we would have only needed help in just getting the baby process started.

As a friend said to me today " I know that if I learned anything from the "let's have a baby" process, it's that nothing works like you imagined it would."

No kidding!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Tim can make up some sandwiches, fruit, and chips/trail mix type things for his eating pleasure. The hospital cafeteria should also be open, though you may need to let him go and labor on your own for a bit while he eats. If your labor feels anything like mine, you won't be interested in eating even if it's been 15 hours and he's munching something delicious.

Is everyone really going to be out of town on your labor day? I don't want to call people out by name, but it seems like there are several friends in the area who'd be delighted to stop by to assist Pluto.

A fingertip is 1's a start. Only 8 more to go! Your body clearly knows what to do, especially with the effacement. You could go up to 2 cm at any moment, then several more cms after that in a matter of hours. Hang in there - you'll see your baby soon. Nothing wrong with modern medical aids if they keep you and baby safe and healthy.


10:53 PM  
Blogger Jadesymb said...

pack some food for Tim, and there will be a snack shop or cafe somewhere in the hospital, right?
As far as letting the dog out, no neighbors? Can you board the dog for two days?
Good Luck!

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no post yet today, so maybe you are at the hospital all on your own (hoping!)
Anyway, having had all of mine induced, I know how you feel. But it all comes down to "whatever gets her out" IMO.

I can't remember if your delivering at St Marys or Meriter. We had ours at Meriter, and each floor of the birthing center has a "family kitchen" soooooo well stocked. Tim would be able to grab anything from there from sandwiches to cereal, ice cream, pop corn, muffins, bagels. Seriously, its constantly stocked. This only works if your going to be at Meriter though. I know nothing about St Mary's. I would imagine something like this is pretty standard these days in birthing centers.

12:07 PM  

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