Morella - 9 Weeks Old

I had a pretty good weekend. On Saturday I met up with Hilary, the girls and Cullen at Escape Coffee but we didn't stay long. The had rearranged the kid room again to include even MORE furniture so it wasn't that comfortable of a place to be. There wasn't much room for the kids to play. Then Cullen and Morella both decided that they had to be awake for this coffee date and were up. Eventually that leads to fussiness and we decided to just go over to Hilary's where the kids could scream or cry as much as they wanted. That is when these great shots were taken. I am going to get myself some prints of them and frame them.
Morella went to bed at 10 last night and was asleep by 10.30. This morning she got up at 4.30 ate, and then went back to sleep until 8 when she was up for two hours before taking a snooze, and then has been up pretty much since then with a few cat naps in between. Tim's parent's came to visit again and watched her while we went out and had some quality couple's time. We walked the dog, then ate dinner at Outback (because Red Lobster was ridiculously busy) and finished it off with ice skating at Tenny Park.
I had saved them the "opportunity" to give Morella a bath today but warned them that she now HATES, with a vengeance, coming out of the bath. The bath itself she loves and would probably stay in there until she turns into a raisin, but coming out -- oh watch out! She screams real fury and turns on the waterworks. I tell you, when babies start to shed real tears it adds a whole new dimension to their crying. I have a feeling that they thought we were exaggerating this a bit -- but later on we heard that she has a "temper." Ha ha, I'll say. I hate getting wet and Morella hates getting dry. What a combo.
They later said that she had barfed -- but I think it's because she has eaten a lot already today combined with swallowing a lot of air from her post bath fit. To date she has been really good about not throwing up at all! Yesterday, she had a record 27 ounces! Consistently she has been eating only 22-23 ounces a day. I think she will finish this bottle for bedtime, and then it's 27 ounces again + throwing I guess a little less. She was also, like I said, awake a lot today. I guess she is growing. On Wednesday we will see exactly how much!
You know one thing I was NOT expecting about becoming a parent? How much my back would hurt. There are days where my back is on a constant knot and I desperately look for opportunities to just lay on the ground and try to reset it. I wonder if I'll toughen up and get stronger and get used to it. On the other hand, Morella is going to be growing and getting heavier and keeping up with me. I suppose it might get easier once she is able to hold her head and I can carry her on my hip or in the front carrier more.
*beams with pride*
they look GREAT!
What personality! I'm inspired to take advantage of the next good natural light in the house and get some close-up portraits of Ruth. I wish Jason were nearby, though.
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