Friday Photos: 14 Weeks aka 3 1/2 Months
"May the Schwartz be with you!"
We got this cool tye dye bunting sack from
Laurushka. Thanks Laura! We love it.

Morella was just waking up for the second time -- and was still happy, right before her first dose of yucky medicine.

Mad Baby! Mad Baby!

Smiling, in an outfit sent from the very cool
Sarah. Morella was our little boy for a day. :D

Morella's first time in the neglecto-saucer. She had to be propped with a towel and a blanket, but she stayed for a good 10 minutes and enjoyed her freedom. She's an independent one.

Morella conquers the dragon! This is the dragon that I mentioned
Sigrid brought over on Monday. I predict that Morella and her Dragon (what shall we name it?? or do we wait for her to name it?) are going to be the best of friends.
Okay, baby is getting tired of sitting on my lap at the computer and wants to move on. Besides, I think she filled her pants.
wow. that really is a kick-ass dragon!!!
The thing about quote-unquote boy clothes is that most of 'em are cute for girls, too; and if you have a boy next time, you'll be able to re-use them. As for that sleeper, I wanted the doggy theme, but it didn't come in pink. She looks adorable anyway!
I get a lot of people assuming Ruth is a boy because she's wearing a bright red snowsuit. Since when was red claimed by boy babies?? I guess people assume that if you have a girl you're going to dress her in as much pink and lavender as you can find.
Sarah you are right...we do have a lot of lavender. I guess I didn't connect the dots on that one. But at this stage in the clothing we also have lots of green, stripes and yellow thanks to hand me downs from another friend with great taste in clothing.
This blue outfit is one of her longest wearing ones -- she has been wearing that since she was tiny because it's more snug and not huge like the sleepers usually are. In fact, all the ones that you sent have been like that I foresee them still being wearable for another month or two. I think what made the outfit a boy outfit was that the blue socks had little trains on them too. ;)
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