Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Uh crap my phone needs recharging...must remember to do that after this quickie post.

Right now I am in the middle of making Carla's fry bread recipe. I had messed up and added the yeast to the warm milk to dissolve instead of the warm water...but added the warm water to the milk stuff about 5 minutes later. I hope it still works. I guess I'll let you know. I am excited about having some decent fry bread to eat...I was thinking of even making fry bread tacos for dinner but I don't have lettuce. Meh, who needs lettuce...I have some salad mix I could chop up and I think there is a tomato somewhere in there. I'll have to whip up the taco seasoning myself, but that's no big deal because we have sour cream and that is all that really matters now doesn't it?

Today is a rainy day. The first of several. My plan this morning was to go for a walk before the rain started, but after Morella ate, I decided to eat a quick lunch and halfway through it the rain started. Oh well. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't caught in it. So we have just sort of bummed around the house today. I let her have some naked time on a towel this afternoon and wouldn't you know it! She rolled over both ways from her tummy! I was so proud of her. What is it about being naked that makes a baby so footloose and fancy free?

Tim is working late tonight. I have to go the library to return some books and renew some. It is a Tuesday, I wonder if the cute library boy brigade is there...

But if I can fry up the bread by then I'll drop some off to my pals in the hood. The library is open until 9:00PM, and hopefully the Bit won't take TOO long of an afternoon nap so she won't still be up after 8:30. Right now she is clocking an hour. I could easily sleep late if I was comforted by the sounds of the rain on the roof and a guardian grey cat watching over me.

Voyager episodes were new to me today, so that was nice. I was also thinking about watching the other episode of Carnivale that I have later on with the new dvd player. The last episode I watched took me two hours because I had to keep fixing the dvd player before it finally konked out. The really cool thing about the new dvd player is that you can hook your mp3 player up to it and play music! Oh the selection I have now, that isn't just limited to CD's. :D

One thing with this rain, is that the grass around our house is already starting to green up. I can also see buds on the tree across the street.

There was a crow tearing up a bird's nest in the backyard today. I watched as two little birds sat on a nearby tree branch looked on helplessly. What is about crows that makes them such bullies?

This photo was taken by my friends daughter who is a budding photographer. I think she clearly captured Morella redhanded looking like she had a rough night out.


Blogger Unknown said...

That hair is so riotous it makes me laugh every time.

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a dollbaby. I miss her! Naked time is a great idea. I haven't let Ruth play around nakey (or diaper-only) as much as I perhaps should have because our house is drafty in the winter, and we're a stingy on the thermostat. But maybe now that the days are warming up...

Cute library boy brigade??

The Appleton library offers a cranky-looking middle-aged lady brigade.


10:56 PM  

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