We did it. Last night, I decided that we needed to go and buy the sofa. The price wasn't gonna get any better and realistically we already lost our chance at getting the best deal because the salesperson was a total n00b and didn't tell us at the time that the price of the sofa we wanted would never go on sale -- except for the employee discount days. The last time we were there (when we learned this) we were also told that the despite the rough economy the prices were going to up starting in May. I was nervous, so off we went.
Imagine our horror when we walked up to the couch, prepared to pay the 2K only to see that prices had already gone up ... wait for it....$500! We both stood there, speechless. Morella whimpered and Tim said "Well, we fucked up. We might as well go to Slumberland and get more couch for the same price." He picked up Morella and started to leave. I remained fixed to my spot, deep in thought. "What are you gonna do?" he asked. "I am going to plead my case," I said, and set off towards the belly of the beast while he stayed behind.
I went and found myself a nice middle aged lady and well, long story short -- I got my couch at the original price. Thank god! She was super nice about it and felt sorry for us and all the misinformation we got from previous salespeople. We ordered this couch in Olive green, with orange throw pillows and merlot feet. She said that this company is great about delivering fast and that instead of the 8-10 weeks that they have to tell us for estimated delivery time that it will actually be more like 4-6 weeks. So my friends, in a month and half we will finally have the couch of our dreams. It will make the living room like 87% more baby friendly, and there will finally be enough room for me, Tim, baby, the cats AND the dog to all lounge in perfect ease. The bonus is that the futon is going to the office where we will get rid of the L desk that we have had for 10 years. Not only will Pluto be able to sit by Tim when he's in there playing video games or reading political or economic blogs but he can do so in absolute comfort. It's like his dream come true! Another great thing about that is that the office will now be able to double as a guest room. :D I can't wait! A real couch! And yes, we did get the stain guard protection because well, we have a baby and a dog. The nice thing I hear about microfiber is that that cats can't rip it up either. Awesome!

On an unrelated note, I had to order more Simply Thick for Morella's bottles and this time instead of getting the individual packets of goo, I got the bulk bottle with pump dispenser. Now instead of spending 41 cents per bottle we spend 30 cents. That makes it a little easier on the old pocket book when she doesn't want to finish a whole bottle in a sitting or will only do 3 ounces...hm. I just hope that it gets us through to the next testing date...which it should...
What am I still doing up? She has been a super crappy napper the last couple of days and no longer gives me a nice long nap in the morning. Instead now I get an hour...and then it's up and at 'em!
Lastly, being down to 4 pumps doesn't necessarily mean I have a lot of extra time. Each pumping session now has to be 30 minutes...so that is still 2 hours. I might have shaved an extra 15 minutes off tops.
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