Last night I watched PS I Love You while working on my cross-stitch project. I liked the movie well enough. Tim went out to see Prince Caspian by himself. He later said that it wasn't something you had to see in the theater. I told him that going out to see a movie is hard the next day because you feel so tired. He confessed that he was drinking a 20 ounce diet coke. Ha ha. I should tell you more about the new and improved in me not the website. I haven't feel compelled do anything about the design or lay out in a long time. I would need Tim to take a long trip before I did something like that (I used to only do website changes when he was traveling...something to keep my busy).
Let's do some comments on comments before I tell you about some readers have disappointed in the direction of this blog. It has become just another baby blog. Yes, yes, I admit I might talk about Morella a wee bit more, but hey I have been trying to change that. It make it more...I don't know -- well rounded. Just so you know though, I could talk about her non stop. I mean she's so freaking adorable! Right now she is bouncing around like jumping bean in her office and watching Migo dash up and down the hall. They just feed off of each other.
Ha! I snuck a reference in. Deal with it.
This morning I participated in the morning nap. I went out on Tuesday night to see the Sex and the City movie with Hilary. It was going to be with three other women but they all bailed at the last minute. I'd be lying if I said I was surprised. So Hilary and I went to TGIF beforehand to have a drink and an appetizer/dessert. I wasn't impressed with any of the food, and after tasting my grasshopper I realized that I didn't like it. Tastes too much like alcohol. Oh and the movie sucked. I lost interest half way through and just started squirming in my seat thinking about bad parts of it where. So... yeah sleeping in. I feel like it's a habit I need to break if I want to do other stuff around the house. Thing is, I don't feel much like doing other stuff around the house right now. I wonder if I start having caffeine more often if that would keep me awake and raring to go. I never before realized the power that caffeine from coffee -- I mean I fantasize about it on a daily basis. Will today be the day I go and get coffee? Should I drive to it, walk to it or incorporate it into something else like a trip to a coffee shop, a visit down state street or a pop in to the mall? Or save that pleasure for tomorrow? When I drink it I feel creative, energetic and interesting. When I don't I feel overly healthy. Hey speaking of which did you those macaroon cookies are 2 for 150 calories? No wonder they taste so good. I had six of them last night. Which wouldn't be such a big deal except you know that 450 calories. Dang.
Okay on to comment answer -- maybe I should make this a weekly feature. I'm all about organizing my life right now.
Why would her doctor put her on medication that makes her hungry. Jeez there are so many medications out there today...
My Mom has a vicious cycle of medication. She has high blood sugar so she takes a medicine for that. So that medicine lowers her blood sugar and she has more of a need for her anti-psychotic medicine which makes her hungry. She needs both she just hasn't found a way to balance them. Eating pizza sure doesn't help her blood sugar levels...
I would love to hear some ho-chuck superstitions.
--Don't say good bye
--Don't whistle at night
--No eating or drinking in the dark
--No playing hide and seek after dark
--No looking back after you have viewed/paid your respect to the newly deceased.
Those are some off the top of my head.
I haven't taken any pictures yet this week. I should get on that. I am trying to figure out what we are going to do today for our daily leave the house trip. I didn't do anything yesterday because I felt like a tired slug. I would like to get more deoderant and some tea tree oil from Community Pharmacy, which would entail a trip to State Street. Maybe I could pop in and surprise my old coworker Janet.
And get some coffee... ;)
When I worked at the casino, I worked with this guy who told me that if someone admired something that was yours, you had to give it to them. He hired me to paint a similer version of this painting/poem he had in his house to replace the one he gave to someone that admired his original. In a way, I thought the idea was kind of cool, but at the same time what happens if it's something irriplaceable? Like grandma's quilt or something?
Hey, weekly comment answers is a great idea. I might have to steal that.
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