Tuesday Photos: CousinsI have so many and I had some time today to go through and pick out my favorites for posting. I still have to upload them to kodak and sent invites to those who care and want prints. There are ALOT of pictures. So I am going to just going to group some photos this week and post them. Today's theme is cousins. Here is Morella and her cousin Zeland.
Sidenote: I can't believe how sleepy Morella is today. She's only been up a total of three and half hours so far today! And it's 3:30PM! 
Morella takes a moment to tell Zeland that his tempo is a little slow.

Here we see Zeland showing Morella exactly what kind of cheek tuck she needs. "Go for the fish look! Work the pout!"

This picture is cute and all, but the sad (or is it funny?) part of it is Zeland walked around and around the exersaucer holding Morella's kitty above her. She had this look of glee and reached for it several times, following him in his circle until he got bored and just dropped it on the ground out of reach and walked away. Poor Morella! Babies are so gulliable.

Finally, Zeland demonsrates to Morella just exactly where chickens .. er roosters like to roost -- on top of soft little baby heads.
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