Busy couple of days. Thursday night Tim's gaming night was canceled. Since Phil is staying with us, I asked what his plans were and he replied that he was going to read. Morella was in bed and sleeping so I asked he would baby sit and he agreed! On a whim, I exchanged writing correspondence for walking to Jade Monkey with Tim. It took a little bit of arm twisting but he said okay. It was a great night. We didn't say much on the way there but after a drink, we were yapping like old times and talked all the way home like two high schoolers. We only talked about Morella a little. :P
Friday night, Phil was in town unexpectedly and agreed to baby sit again since he had a date with a book. Tim and I rode bike over to the High Noon Saloon and participated a little bit in Reverence. I dressed up as much as one does while riding bike, but I am pleased to report I was able to wear a shirt that hasn't looked good on me in some time. I paid for it though, because I didn't get to bed until 2:30 and Morella was up at 6:30 -- but I had to pump so I had to be up too.
Then she didn't go to sleep again. Morning nap strike (day two) continues. I eventually gave up hopes of a nap by 10:30 and made real coffee. She eventually DID go down for a nap at 11ish. During that time, I sat on the couch and put all of Morella's first six month baby photos into a photo album. I am so pleased that they fit and there was still room for a little more! I was also able to put in decent time documenting the vacation photos from last year before I put them in an album. You see, I like to write the names of the people, the place, month and year on the backs of each one. When my Gaga died several years ago, and I was in charge of cleaning the house, I found stacks of old photos. It was so depressing because hardly any of them had any writing on the back to identify the people. I didn't want that to happen to any future grandchildren of mine, so why not do the work now? Besides, I might have old timer's and forget and wouldn't it be nice to have the information there already?
Tim's Mom called and said they would be by for a visit later the afternoon. In the meantime, we headed over to Bill and Stephanie's first anniversary party and spent a glorious day, picnicing at the park. There was awesome food, delicious cake, booze a plenty, drinks, babies, blankets, water, boat rides -- it was just so ideal. I felt like we had been transported to one of those movies of rich old victorians eating out in fields of flowers and what not. Morella had a blast too.
However, on the way home she fell asleep and from then to the veggie pickup to home, she slept a total of 20 minutes which she mistook to be a real nap. The rest of the evening was a little cranky. Her grandparents brought her a 9 month old mark present, which is this cool little lady bug spinning top bubble type toy (Parent's Lady Bug Popup)-- it's made by Parents (I LOVE their stuff....love it) -- and while we all thought it as the bees knees, Morella wasn't that impressed. We think it's because she needs to be a little older to really make it work.
Nonplussed, the grandparents had another present up their sleeve and busted out this Leap Frog Learning Lion -- which Morella couldn't wait for us to get it out of the packaging for her. She played with the whole rest of the evening. I haven't seen her this infatuated with a toy in quite a while.

What a lucky little girl!
Though she was a crank, she took a bath, had a walk, and ate a full bottle and actually went to bed with only one rescue (helping her back down from her obsessive pulling up).
We spent the rest of the evening watching the Spiderwick Chronicles and I LOVED it. I even cried at the end...it has been a long time since I've done that. Sadly, halfway through the movie I realized why it feels like I can't quench a thirst -- that is really just my mouth being parched. I'm sick. I have a sore throat, overly tired (then why am I still up? Stupid...just plain stupid)....and ... sigh. I haven't been sick in about two years. I hope it's a quick bug.
Okay off to bed with me. Tomorrow we have a greyhound appreciation day party to attend, I need to catch up on sleep to ward off the cold, and write in Morella's journal for her 9 month update. There is a lot to put in there!
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