Kicking Ass and taking names.
Today so far I have knocked off:
--baby book. I tried to get Morella to nap before it but after five minutes she was up and yapping. I gave it a full 30 minutes (as long as she wasn't screaming) and while she talked to herself and played with her crocheted mosquito and pet bat, I washed bottles, got the diapers out of the dryer and sorted them, got dressed, made the bed and made coffee. When I went into get her, Arkham ran out of the room! Here I thought she was talking to herself that whole time. Stupid cat. You can bet the next time I put her down (after baby book and a bottle) I did a cat sweep and found Arkham under the trundle bed. Of course, 10 minutes later I heard a scratching and realized Migo was in there! She must have snuck in when I was getting Arkham out. Stupid cats!
- Opened and Etsy account. I plan on seeing if I can sell my beaded Christmas trees on there. First step down -- opening an account. Next step -- figuring out how to make a light box and then taking pictures of said trees.
- Washed dishes, pans, bottles, crockpot and put everything away.
- Washed counter and backdrop
- Washed paint brushes and put away supplies and paint
- Repotted my Neil Welker plant. He was a retired professor working at Northwestern. The first day I was there, interviewing for a job I didn't know I applied for, I met him in a team of four. His circumference around his office's ceiling was covered with this green vine - thick and lush. Well, three years later when I moved away, he gave me a clipping of that plant. I put it in water until it grew roots and then eventually half assed planted it. It's time to give that plant a little more respect and nuture it! Dr. Welker passed away the following year in 2004.
- Caught up writing in my journal for Saturday and Sunday
- Brought up diapers and folded/sorted them, put them away
- Chatted with Chuck and offered suggestions on a birthday gift for his new mom friend (she adopted twins! Gah, could you imagine...ha ha actually I have several friends that could, and then some!)
- Emailed Jessica
- Emailed Kerri
- Pumped
Okay back to work, Morella will be up soon.
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