Sunday, November 16, 2008

For the second time in a row, I got to sleep in this morning! Yesterday it wasn't by much, and today it was only an hour longer - but hey it's nice. Tim has been getting up with the Mobug, eating breakfast with her and then giving her medicine because he is going to be gone starting Tuesday morning until .... until Saturday night around 6-ish. I have a feeling that his flight will be delayed and blah blah blah will happen and he will be the case where the guy was stuck at the airport and missing his daughther's first birthday. :P We'll see though.

So. Yeah. I am planning my week out. Monday morning we have Baby Bustout Playgroup, Tuesday we drive Tim to the airport and then my friend Chuck, Sigrid and maybe two ohters are coming over for dinner Tuesday night. I have two standing offers of dinner that I very well might take up. I mean, less cooking for me! And I wouldn't have to clean up!!! Ha ha ha.

But aside from that, I am thinking I would like to spend some detail cleaning on the house, organizing, clearning off surfaces and putting things back where they belong. That sort of thing -- the kind of thing that takes forever because I'll find a picture of Morella when she was 4th months on the green coffee table, and then start thinking about her baby book, and hey maybe I should do a page in that poorly neglected thing, and while I am looking at that I start thinking about making one of those graphics where you see the baby every month from birth to one year....and you get my drift.

Okay. Morella is having her morning quiet time. Sometimes she takes a nap during it. Sometimes she doesn't, but I usually use the time to take a shower, start laundry or do other things like that for a 1/2 hour. Oh crap, Tim went in there to cehck on her because he thought he heard something and now she is screaming like a banshee. Ahhh....screaming because she is tired and wants to play -- not because she is sick and in pain. :D I'll take it.

No but really, I should take a shower. With the drop in my supply, I guess my body is getting back to pre baby times -- complete with acne face and greasy hair. :P I could have done without that a lot longer. When is greasy hair ever gonna end?

I also need to think of good goodie bag things for her party. My only idea so far seems pretty lame. So lame, I won't even tell you. Ideas or suggestions welcome.


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