Tuesday, December 09, 2008

We are having a snowed in day. Morella is still in her duckie jammies crawling and cruising around, and I am sort of just following her around putzing. I took a shower this morning while Tim helped Morella with breakfast and am wearing loungy clothes with my flannel robe over it all. Attractive, I can assure you. :D

We got our first Christmas card today! Thanks Oliver! You win! It's hanging above the green table now. Hm You know I have always wanted to do that on a string thing....maybe I should do, but maybe after we get a few more cards, which always seems to happen after we send ours out. It's a good thing I started ours last night and sent out our first batch today. I think I started with the end of the label list and the misfits (aka addresses I needed).

I should make some tea. Something that won't give me an upset stomach -- a really bland herbal...hm. We are listening to Christmas music

Tim rode bike to work in this snowy mess this morning. He is officially nuts.

Morella's followup ENT appointment is rescheduled for Thursday afternoon at 3.30. They are going to do a hearing test too -- thank goodness. Not that I think she has a problem but you never now. It's not like she can tell me. Though I really wish she could tell me what's up with birdlike eating for two days in a row now. I was getting used to the Morella with a huge appetite. Though maybe I can live without the 5-7 poops a day.

My cookie making has hit a roadblock. I gotta turn that boat around. I wish there was a way to keep Morella entertained in the kitchen...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Laura.
One thing I've been meaning to do with Ruth in the kitchen but haven't had need or opportunity yet - put down a vinyl tablecloth and beach towel and set her down in her diaper with a pan of water and some plastic dishes or containers to wash and play with. Or a big container and spoon to stir with - maybe with a little food in it. If she eats it, so much the better. Pop her in the tub or sink after, if necessary.
Merteuil's Mom

8:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thats a good idea...

I would set them up in the highchair with bowls and spoons to beat together, put up the gate and give her pots and pans on the floor. Ice cubes rubber banded in washcloths is a good fun thing. Give her a buttload of balls and a big basket to put them in--Adam is about Morella's age and loves doing that. I like the water idea. All kids love water.

5:52 PM  

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