An Announcement: Crouton

And doctored to help those who aren't proficient in the art of ultrasound reading

Yep it's true. Crouton is the reason I have been feeling so miserable for what feels like an eternity. To be honest, this is the earliest we are telling folks because today's ultrasound was just *that* good. I had to share and break my earlier rule of not showing ultrasound photos (made because generally it's hard to see anything). Crouton is due on August 1st -- our 11th anniversary. So my friends, that is what you get for your 11th anniversary-- a baby.
Crouton is a complete surprise and was conceived in the month of hell aka November. It's the best thing that came out of that month. It's a total surprise to us as we didn't have to pay anyone any money! It's the reason my supply dropped so suddenly and dramatically. It's the reason the migraines are back. The day I found out, Tim was at his conference in Seattle and I was so tired and exhausted. I was trying to convince myself to go out for some coffee, except... I was late ... or was I? There could have been two times that I ovulated and according to the first guess I was late, but in regards to the second one I had two more days to go. In the end, I had a test burning a hole in my bathroom drawer so I decided "Why not? What's another used up negative test?" I think you can imagine my shock when a line showed up.
I called and demanded a quantitative beta test and got it. My first number was 106. Two days later it was 466. Based on these numbers I was able to determine it was the later ovulation (on CD24 - nine days after the typical average) and that I caught this pregnancy really early on.
Two weeks later at six weeks I started spotting. It was a Saturday and I was sure it was over. But it was only confined to that day and the next day it was gone. Regardless I went in for a third beta and that was 32721 two days later it was near the 60000 all was good. Nothing to do but wait for the dating ultrasound, which we had on the 23rd of December. I was a little shocked on that day to see a real live baby in there!
This post is taking forever to write. Morella is needy today and so we made a batch of sugar cookies to cheer her up. I just got done playing with her for 10 minutes and thereby bought myself a few minutes to finish this. I can only imagine the chaos it's going to be when there are two little kids under two in this joint.
I think it might be a boy. What else can cause me so much grief than a member of the opposite sex?
Man I am hungry for salad!!!
Oh sorry was that creepy? ;)
Hooray for surprises, hooray for something good coming out of November, hooray for Morella having someone to boss around, hooray for Laura and Tim... Congratulations. Double stroller awaits crouton's arrival.
Wooooo Hoooo! I second everything Hilary said. Having two farts is crazy and wonderful. Wishing you fewer migraines, a bit more free time as Morella gains independence, and the kindness of your hubby to watch baby number 1 while you nap. Congrats!
Looks like you have another little beauty (or handsome dude) on board. Best Wishes!
Merteuil's mom
Delurking to say congratulations! I am a lurker from your past (via Kate) but I've been addicted to your blog for a while now. Lucky Crouton to have such a cool mom and big sis!
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