Morella is teething an eye tooth on her right side. Her little tongue is hanging out...it's cute. So, you may imagine that she has been a total crank monster, and if you did indeed imagine that you would be correct!
Regardless, I had plans for today. It started off with Tim making french toast (surprise and delicious!) and coffee, followed by a leisurely morning of putzing. Then we got dressed and headed downtown to enjoy the nice weather and do a little State Street shopping. Something must have been going on at the Overture Center because State Street was deluged with parents and babies in strollers. Yes, we looked like a cliche, but who cares? We had a nice time we:
--got coffee from the Fair Trade Coffee Place
--got more deodorant for me (I vowed I would never go another Dr. appt without putting some on!)
--two new hand made soaps (orange and a cinnamon/clove one)
--a wonderful acrylic stamp set that has my imagination firing overtime (splurge)
--lunch at Chatayra (where the picture is taken)
We installed Morella's new car seat today and I am pleased to report that she fell asleep in it within moments of heading home. I guess you could also say it was because she was an hour over her nap time. Anyway. IT fits and looks so comfortable. Hurray!
Once we got home I changed her diaper, put comfortable pants on her and slipped her into her crib where she took a 3 hour nap! Woo! I took a long nap on the couch, and when Tim got done riding his bike home from work (we had dropped him off) he took a nap as well. For her dinner she had leftover Korma chicken and I made a homemade spaghetti pizza that was a disaster because the crust didn't rise at all, and the texture of the ground turkey made me gaggy. :P Tim ate a bunch though so it wasn't all a total loss.
Morella then proceeded to meltdown every five minutes and we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, with Tim carrying her and me walking the dog. It was a nice walk, though slippery. I am a little worried about how my legs started to ache near the end of the walk and how tired I was -- I'm really out of shape! Now I know why they say to wait a year between kids because I don't think I've fully recovered from Morella and everything hurts so much more -- like the the uterus pain, the leg pain, no stamina...sigh.
Last night we finished watching True Blood and it was okay. I guess I would watch more. Libby, are those books you mentioned the books that the series was based on? If so, I have a friend who is reading them who say that it's sort of trashy -- but in a fun way. I don't know. I think I am a little vampired out for the moment. But I'll keep it in mind for when I am out of books to read. Thankfully I have Sarah's recommendation of Archangel next to my bed and am pleased to say that last night dreamed about it. :D
Laura - you got the "Ashley" britax marathon? Mostly yellow with red flowers?
Sarah - thanks for the icon! It's great -- maybe I'll use it for the website. I really need to update my Bio. Sigh. I just haven't been into website design for a while. I wish I had some young intrepid student worker who wanted to impress me and redesign my website...instead of me doing it. Also, I think I will leave a suggestion with the library based on my next Baby Book time experience. Though shouldn't one give it at least three tries before criticizing?
Marnie - Where is the Donuts with Dad? Is that on the west side too?
D w/ D is at the Alicia Ashman branch on the corner of High Point Rd. & Old Sauk on the west side. Here's a link to the calendar:
It looks like this month's is on V-day!
I went to a patisserie in madison today that was awesome, it's called La Baguette. I think we're having lunch tomorrow at Ella's, maybe.
Also, for a second it looked like Morella was chewing on a pipe...
Saturday mornings they have Kids in the Rotunda at the Overture Center. We've been there a few times. Jana and Kal used to go every weekend. You should go sometime! They sell coffee in the atrium too...
Yup -- we got the Ashley. My favorite was one with zinnias, but of course I couldn't justify spending $309 versus $179 for the Ashley.
Charlie is test driving a car tomorrow. I am hoping to end our lives of seclusion!
yup. . . . it totally looks like your little girl has a pipe! (^_^)^
I, too, was thinking "pipe?!"
I'm glad you had such a nice outing day, and that even the spaghetti pizza was enjoyed by part of the family! That's what counts -- if someone likes it, the effort was not wasted.
Is Morella excited about her new forward-facing ride?
Yes, the Charlaine Harris "Sookie Stackhouse" books preceded the series. I haven't seen the series yet, doubt if they follow the stories as they need more episodes than they have books. Used the same characters - simple, and probably trashy, stories. Filed in horror stories but more funny than horrible.
I have to scroll your entries up and down to read captions on pictures sometimes.
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