Friday Photos: Sliding

Photos courtesy of Shutter*Chick. Thanks Sara, I LOVE them! FYI Having your baby wear fleece pants while sliding makes them go a lot might want to be prepared.
Yesterday we went to the zoo for the first time this year with the other baby book toddlers. It was such a nice time! Sadly, the zoo closes at four instead of five so we decided to extend the outing by going to the playground outside the zoo. It was awesome to see the kids zooming around with their own little agendas.
Ok. Morella is well into a nap. There are a few more things I wanted to post about before she wakes up. I have gotten SO much done this morning it's incredible. I feel almost like a super Mom, when in reality it's probably like just an average day for most folks.
I was reading the "You know you are grown up..." in Redbook's latest issue this morning and found myself agreeing with most of the blurbs. Now usually I think "Piffle -- whoever wrote those didn't try hard enough. But not this time!
You know you are a grown up when....
- have tumeric, coriander and saffron in your kitchen -- and you're not afraid to use them. (Except for the saffron ... until Surefine makes it, I won't have it. :P
- have successfully kicked one of these habits: smoking, biting your nails, running back to your old boy friend every time a new relationship goes south. (I have done two! - I quit biting my nails and smoking -- the boyfriend thing is lame though. Who does that?)
- wouldn't even think of blowing off your friend's emotional crisis to watch American Idol finals. (Well, I don't like AI, but I substituted a new episode of Battlestar ... and was able to do it).
- ...instead of waiting for a wedding or a job interview, you realize that "it's Tuesday" is a special enough occasion to wear the pearls your grandmother gave you. (Or anything "special" ... I now just go ahead and do it. This is a new thing in the last couple of years where I have just started to go ahead and USE the cool things I have accumulated).
- calculate how late you can stay out on a Saturday night based on how much you are willing to pay a babysitter. (Since we don't currently have a babysitter, I weigh how tired i am going to be the following morning. Though I am sure in a few more years the babysitter will be more accurate).
- have at least one friend who has been married, divorced and married again (Chuck!)
So yeah, super productive today. I finished and filed our taxes, paid the mortgage, cable and credit card, brought up diapers (further goals for today include actually putting them and other laundry away), drove Tim to work, and on the way back stopped at the grocery store to get some items.
I wast that person at the grocery store with the toddler wearing jammies and a dirty hoodie. How did that get dirty so fast?! I mean it was just washed the other day. Sheesh. Regardless, Morella was as charming as ever and in a great mood as we zoomed around getting her milk, and ingrediants for seven layer taco dip. All of which is still in the brown bags (I can't find the green bags...they were by the door....) because I haven't felt like putting them away yet. Obviously, there are a ton more things I can and do need to do today but you know, taxes, bill paying, grocery shopping, neighbor chatting (our neighbor's dog has cancer on it's tail into it's torso...poor Sam), and creating a big post are all noteworthy things to do!
This afternoon, I am going to drop off an exersaucer to one of the women in baby book who has a 4.5 month old who is almost ready. I said she could borrow it because by the time Crouton needs it, that baby will have totally outgrown it. There is a big pint size resale going on today and tomorrow that I would like to go, and she expressed interest so after dropping that off she might come too. It doens't start until 1:00 so there is plenty of time. Then at 4:30 we are meeting Tim and Oliver at the High Noon for a after work/hello spring drink. Since Tim is still kind of sick I don't know how long he is going to last.
He stayed home yesterday and slept the entire day. He looked and sounded awful. He even had to skip his Thursday night gaming session! Now that IS sick. Thankfully, Morella gave me an easy day yesterday so it was managable.
Oh. She hates baths again. How is it that there are no other kids out there who HATE baths? Everyone I talk to says "oh no! Little Johnny loves his bath, it's impossible to take him out of it!" Whereas my kid stands there howling the entire time and has to get washed down like a 5 minute car wash. I'm hoping that bath strike will go away when it gets warmer and playing with water is fun again -- and not as icy when it can be done outside.
Lastly, tonight I am going over to Hilary's with some other lady friends to decompress and relax. Ahhh...hence the taco dip. It's like the non-alcoholic version of a good time. Right?
I'm glad you liked the photos and I'm glad that we all got to go to the zoo.
See you Monday!
Excellent photos! The progression from the top to the bottom of the slide with an ever-increasing smile is awesome.
And if it's any consolation, Natalie likes her baths... until we actually bathe her. She's fine sitting in the water playing with toys, but get her body or head wet, not a happy girl.
Thinking about babysitters--would you hire the you from 1995 to babysit your own child? Just curious.
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