Morella and Migo Cuddle

Gah, I'm in the double digits! Tomorrow it will be only 96 days to go. Yikes!
No not really.
Hey I called my Mom because I was kind of lonely tonight and chatted with her. She was in good spirits so that was nice, and actually wanted to hear cute stories about Morella. I also had a mini fight with my brother regarding my loser brother and my Dad and his wife who sort of left him. Sigh. I feel so bad for the both of them -- Barb and my Dad. What a crummy situation.
It's pouring outside, and it's going to be thunderstorms for two more days. Ugh. I hope our basement holds up. I should also bring the starter plants out of the rain. I hope they aren't washed out or drowning by tomorrow. This gardening thing shouldn't be that hard, and yet it is.
Morella was a sweetheart today. She resisted the afternoon nap for an HOUR today but Tim and I were both tired so we outlasted her. We had gone to the Isthmus Green Day event at the Monona Terrace hoping for a good Machinery Row Coupon and were totally disappointed. No coupons. False advertising. I did get a nice LED night light though for the bathroom, and two little hippy/german type wooden toys for Morella. Other than that, it was a snooze. But back to my point, Morella was tired from that and fell asleep on the way home (just like yesterday) for ten minutes. She transferred to her crib okay and five minutes later was up and at em. Yesterday, that was the only nap she took all day. I was afraid the same thing was going to happen to today. Being an almost one and halfer is too young to give up naps.
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