Take three putting Morella to bed. I put her down at 7. She cried until 7:30 when I got her up for an extra 1/2 an hour. At 8 I put her down again. She cried until 8:30 when I got her up again, this time I gave her tylenol. She wanted to go back to bed at 9:10 and now she has been more her usual going to bed Morella. Singing, quiet talk, long pauses, etc. I think whatever her problem was, the tylenol cured it. She also took it willingly, so I am thinking she knew.
Meanwhile I watched Bones, I might like that show. Washed dishes from the picnic basket and put dirty ones into the dishwasher. While Morella was running around she knocked over a jewelry box and broke it. I should go and pick that stuff up and fix it. Sigh. I drank a tall cup of iced tea this evening and while it's giving me a little boost of energy the overwhelming state of everything around her is smooshing it down into a little pile of grease.
Sigh. We both took a huge nap today though mine was much more restless than Morella's. They were sawing all day in the house next door to us building a deck. One gets so used to wearing ear plugs that soon the profound sound of silence is expected. I don't mind sleeping out in the woods though, that kind of noise is okay. It's just the whining of motorized equipment that bugs the heck out of me. After the nap, I realized I was late to the playgroup meeting that no one showed up for, and I had to pick up a key for a baby shower I am co hosting tomorrow. After that I ended up just coming home and taking Morella outside in the backyard to play making sure to douse ourselves in deet. Even so, I got several bites. I did manage to sweep the deck and mostly weed the garden in the hour we were outside before I just sat down and watched Morella play.
[She is crying again, and upset....what is wrong??!?!]
Okay. I wanted to get a few more pictures in before getting back to the grind of ... well my aimless wandering around trying to get stuff done. I think my real goal of the day was to clean the bathroom, maybe I should get back to that and finish that goal. I didn't get far because Morella bombed the place and I lost heart.
These are from the 4th of July and Morella's first parade ever:

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