Today I:
- Made banana bread that Tim's approves. He is a very tough critic when it comes to banana bread you know. It MUST be moist. So moist that when you drop it, it makes a splat noise.
- Playdate at the Daisy Cupcakery. Three other Mom's showed up. We took over the front area. The kids got a long and even Morella kept her "No's" to a minimum. Well, mostly.
- Morella is afraid of "beez" -- which is every single flying object from fruit flies, to thistle fluffs floating in the air, to ants, to mosquito's and real bees. I am looking forward to this phase passing quickly.
- Incisors still aren't through, and gums are still pretty pointy looking.
- Cleaned
- Took Morella for a walk - she wanted to walk herself half way through it, and it was quite a walk! That little girl has some serious stamina.
- Crouton is seriously hurting my cervix, enough to make me go to my knees in the house twice to try and escape the pain. It's like getting a pap smear from the inside out. NOT FUN!
- Watched Bones -- my new favorite summer TV show and So You Think You Can Dance
Here is Morella clapping at Concert on the Square.
And for extra fun, here she is one year ago almost exactly -- just learning to clap at Concert on the Square. :D I think she did a little growing in that time, don't you?

I recognize that dress! Morella looks great in it.
Isn't it fun when you have pictures with comparable compositions so you can see how much she's grown? I can't believe what a roly-poly baby she was just last summer.
I hope we're still pals in 15 years and onward so I can see Morella's grown up pictures and think fondly back to our interesting times with toddlers and pregnancies.
Thinking of you and your pending hospital trip daily, even if I don't have the brainpower to compose more comments.
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