Things I have accomplished today:
--Taking a shower. This is huge, folks. Huge.
--Getting Morella dressed.
--Getting Athena dressed.
--Going to the park and playing with Morella
--Picking apples from "Apple Guy" yard/tree. Morella LOVES this.
--Buying apples from another house a block up...two big bags for a buck.
--I wish I had an apple tree of my own. :(
--Giving Morella lunch while Athena howls.
--Getting Athena to take a nap the same time as Morella
--Enjoying duo naps and catching up on the internet! Oh man it's nice.
--Paid the mortgage.
--Paid the cell phones.
--Wrote a few cards and birth announcements.
--Washed and dried a load of laundry.
--Going the the massive clothes disarray in Morella room. Switching seasons is hard when kids outgrew things so fast and you have to sort through the smaller to bigger stuff she is going to grow into over the fall and winter.
--Made tuna fish sandwiches for myself.
--Made the bed.
--Read my email.
--Hammered out Playgroup events for October.
The day is not done...
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