The cavalry did not show up today. I am really tired now too from a whole day of single parenting. We all slept until 7:30 which was great! I did hear Morella wake up but breakfast was a disaster because I forgot her booster seat at Hilary's last night. I let her eat breakfast on the coffee table and watch some TV because at that point Athena was up. Then I waited around all morning, which felt like forever because of the time change before I could head over to Hilary's and pick up the chair before meeting the woman at the library at 12:00. A decision I thought was sound since Morella was now taking her naps at 1:00. Except, with the time change 12 is the new 1. Ugh. She was hungry, cranky and I had Athena who was hungry and cranky and I waited for 25 minutes and no one came.
I did choose two videos that I could pop in the DVD player since cable is on the way out for instant relief so I could feed Athena and keep Morella occupied. IT worked out well -- as I later had to test out.
The woman did email me an hour before the meeting saying that she had accepted another four hour position. Fine. So I called the first woman I had met on Saturday and offered her the position. She said she needed to figure out her schedule and would call me back and then hung up. That was at 1:00.
Meanwhile, I got the kids down for a nap and spent some time on the internet, paying bills and puttering around the house and waiting for my friend to show up. Around 4:30 I saw a message from her saying she would come tomorrow morning. About a half an hour after that Emily popped over for a few minutes and offered to have a Children's dinner at her house for Morella. I agreed since thinking of and making dinners that Morella won't eat can be taxing. She did okay over there and had fun playing with Leo and his Dad. I left around 6:30 because I needed to go to Woodman's to get Morella her special 8th Continent Vanilla soy milk but the idea of doing that at bedtime with two kids was sucking the life out of me.
I passed my neighbor's house two doors down and on a whim asked Karen, the wife if she would stop over and at 8:30 when the kids were down for the night to watch the house while I ran over to Woodman's to get the goods. She said okay!
Well before I left we got to talking about my day and the mother's helper and she offered to do it on the spot! She has a less flexible schedule than I had originally wanted -- like two hours here and there during the day -- but I could totally break it up for her. For one, I know and trust her. Second, Morella likes her. Third she lives two houses away and doesn't have children. Four, she had tons of experience. I wish I had known that she would have done it earlier! But you know we don't talk that often, so how would I have known?
Anyway. I haven't gotten a call back from the first choice yet, which I think is kind of odd. Don't you? I feel like she is waiting on another offer because she did say that she was interviewing other people on Saturday afternoon. How long should I wait? I am thinking tomorrow at 5:00. I told my neighbor Karen that she could have it if I don't hear back from the first. I think 5 is fair, that is well over 24 hours.
Okay. I gotta get to bed. I put Athena down in a cloth diaper and have to get her up to change her to a sposie. Being young and all, she still pees a lot at night and then hit the hay myself. I am exhausted!
Im soooo Sorry Laura, please dont hate me. Im comming today. I had a small emergency with Lukes teacher which made me late yesterday starting out, and I thought it wouldent be worth it. As soon as curt is home from work I'm out. Im all packed and ready.
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