A quick and easy way to post is to post some photos. Athena once again didn't go to bed until after 10. At least tonight I saved myself a lot of frustration by handing her off to Tim when I knew she wasn't hungry and just going about my evening trying to fit in a few things I wanted to get done. The "white board - door" is working! I still need to work kinks out of it though.
I went for a long walk today with Morella and Athena, but first it started at the park. Morella wanted to swing and in order to lift her into the swing I had to put Athena somewhere. I considered the ground but then decided the other baby swing would suffice. It turned out to be Athena's first swing ride! Awww...

I liked the second picture because it captured how the sun feels to us -- apocalyptic. Much like the background.

Anyway. After the park I decided to go for a long walk to try and get that massively painful sinus gunk out of my head. I walked over to Ann's and Morella and Noah had a quick lunch before I headed back. One block from the house they both started fussing, and ten minutes later everyone was asleep for a super long nap. It was totally awesome. I am thinking of taking these jokers for a long cold walk everyday!
Okay bedtime.
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