Tuesday, September 10, 2002

I went to Ann Sathers last night with Kate and Eric. Their first time, and then they went off to Reckless Records afterward, and I took a phone call from Tim. He told me that Jim emailed him! Unbelievable, but I am very glad to hear it. I am also proud to say I am the recipient of another interesting email, that being from Kino! I responded to him, and look forward to hearing from him again. Then I was thinking about the whole situation with my friend, and and decided to to extend a olive branch, only to be fiercely rejected this morning. That's what I get for trying, I suppose..as Tim says "No good deed goes unpunished." Then I went to bed, and read late into the night until I feel asleep. Got a ride with Kellie and Andy to work this morning, and now here I am. Ready to do some work, and looking forward to Tim's call this morning.


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