Thursday, October 03, 2002

I got great news yesterday. I mean, absolutely great news. I was actually happy! I am getting a promotion to a DA II *and* new office furniture! I am already emailed the consultant, and look forward to discussing with her how my office can be magically tranformed. I have a big budget to work with too: 1750. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, a Department Assistant Two implies a pay rate increase (only two weeks after the biggest raise in the department kicked in) and .....recognition? For all my hard work? Wow.

On the way home I was going to get alcohol but couldn't find anything I wanted. I wanted cider. They had beer, and cheap beer at that. I figured almost promotion should deserve at least Bergoff. So. beerless, I headed home and went to watch Everyone Loves Raymond. I hated that show in the beginning but over the past year in particular, I am actually liking it. Then I watched My Wife and the Kids, read, and then watched...yes. I did. The Bachelor. Nice to see most of them were blonde and a good number of them flight attendants. When that show was done, I really felt like I was wasting my life, so I decided to write. In between that, I talked with Jason on ICQ.[I have to put his picture up. He sent me one, but I haven't been in a updating website mood for awhile] Then went to bed.

Ba da bip.


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