Tuesday, January 28, 2003

I had one of the best oatmeal cookies of my life this morning. It was a small cookie and I wish there were more, but if there were then I would probably end up eating them. Yesterday I had my tooth fixed and went home, made a mocha, cleaned, made dinner, watched Joe Millionaire .... er...is this show getting more ridiculous by the second? Ridiculous as in funny, of course...because the whole disney animal montage was great...and the butler! Holy shit. He took the "I choose you" puzzle! And the fake sadness the smokers had for Mojo when she didn't get the necklace. Huh. I was SURE Zora was going to get booted.

Then I spent the rest of the night writing. I wrote my Mom and Sigrid a letter. Made Tim vacuum the living room. Got an email from Mari, who said "Superb" in reaction to my news of visiting her next month and suggested places to eat on Friday, February 28th. I got an letter from one the Hollywood penpal who had first described herself as a "goth chick". Admittedly, I took the bait...so far she doesn't seem to bad. I commented to Tim on counting her total goth points in the course of the letter. Pure goth points (one point awarded for each thing goth):

1. Decorated envelope with hand drawings of characters from JTHM
2. Use of the word "spooky" to describe one of them
3. Use of the word "goth" TWICE on the outside envelope alone
4. Use of phrase "woe is me" (but in different context than this)
5. Belle and Sebastian are the names of her cats
6. Donnie Darko mention in favorite movie list
7. Depressed Mode (aka depeche mode)
Total = 7 points.


But aside from that...she seems cool. Really lively, and descriptive, I think it will be a great penpal. I am excited. I also got a birthday card from Kersten. It was JUST a card....with her name signed on it. That was a first. Even the Ho-Chunk Nation said "Laura...blah blah birthday filler....HoChunk Nation" But it was a nice thought. I am kind of sad that Phillip Morris forgot it was my birthday this year. He must have known I was going to quit and therefore sending me loot was no good.


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