Monday, January 20, 2003

Did I mention I got a letter from one of the 'new!' pen pals? Yes, indeed. Her name is Kim and she is from Washington. She writes "Let's see: TV. We watch: Stargate SG1, Farscape, Buffy, Angel, Trading Spaces, Changing Rooms and Junkyward Wars." Um. Has anyone noticed the key word here? She said Farscape. I can't believe. Of course as many of you know, I was obsessed with Farscape to the point of really wanting to go to a convention. But I have quit putting it in introductory letters and descriptions about myself because no one knows what the hell I am talking about. This is SO cool. I brought the letter to reply to this week. I also have to write Gale, Sigrid, Laura and Erin. Maybe I will just send the latter two cards with short letters, to get the ball rolling again. [Note to self: Get solo pic of Sigrid, scan Gale and upload]

This weekend we had a marathon watching Babylon Five. Mike and Rachel , and her strange cousin Julian, called on Saturday night to do something. Since were obviously doing nothing we went, especially since they were kind enough to give us a ride. We went to this bowling place but upon walking it I was thrown back to high school. Worse yet, I was flashed back into one of those lame roller rink turned teen dance club places in northern Wisconsin (ie, river falls, rice lake, etc). The music was even the same. I was pretty much enthralled and was nudged by Tim to leave. The waiting list was something like two hours. What do you do when you are rejected from bowling? Friends, the answer is simple. You visit a bar.

Hidee hiddee hiddee ho. Off to a Irish pub we go. We ended up staying there the whole night drinking and eventually playing darts where yours truly, kicked ass. After we were almost booted out we went to Clarks and ate some food. Tim was falling asleep and getting bitchy so it was a good thing we got home at the awfully late hour of 2:00 and went to sleep. Tim is such a peanut.

Sunday, seriously...I knitted and watched Babylon Five. Then I encouraged Tim to set up a table so he could paint miniatures while watching B5 with me. Once we did that, we were pretty much set for the rest of the day, with a brief break to make pretzels. Went to bed at that doesn't explain why I was so tired this morning. I honestly felt dizzy and fall over tired. Duty calls though. No, not any kind of cool duty like being a commander of ...oh say....Babylon Five, or even being second in command, or even head of security. No, I must be program coordinator for a bunch of whiny professors and their spoiled students, post docs, work shitties and lab techs. Although I generally sympathize with the lab techs. They are working joes like you and I.


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