Friday, March 14, 2003

I am so glad tomorrow is going to warm, and later today it is supposed to be warm. I think I will go out for lunch and walk somewhere. I don't know working lunch and then take a real lunch. Ahh...I love universities sometimes. Excited about tomorrow's nice weather, and parade, and maybe breakfast. I love favorite meal of the day (when it is done right).

Tim had one of the worst days at work today...his company fucking BOUNCED his paycheck!! That shit does't happen. I don't care about the excuses...that just does not happen. Then when he came home he had the best night in a long time. He got SO much mail! Mechs, Dragon Magazines, etc. I was really surprised (and didn't get anything...which is understandable considering I just sent out a batch of letters a day and two before that..and I still have one more to do). Then we had soup, cottage fries and a sammich for dinner and then watched Simone (it was okay...not stellar but watchable. A good HBO movie if there ever was one), and Monster's Inc, (which was TONS better than Ice Age, but still not as good as Shrek or even Toy Story...). Then went to bed...the end.

I am glad today is Friday though.


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