Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Here I am sitting in an internet cafe across the street from our small hotel again. It has the catchy title of easyInternetCafe. It's cool, and warmish, although it is a wet cool/warm type thing, so spending all day in it yesterday made me feel really cold for a long time. I spent extra time in bed this morning warming up.

Today I am going to and check out a few other big locales that tourists like myself visit. ON the way there I have to stop at the BIG department store they have (you know like Macy's and crap). I seems that whenever I don't stop at one of these places, people always ask me if I did. I could see if they have a watch. I don't have one and desperately need one...okay maybe no desperately...it is a good conversation starter. The morning breakfast which consisted of a baguette, cheese, jam, muffin and cold cereal (corn flakes) not my most favorite kind of cereal will hold me through...I hope. I might have to get a bit more coffee before I embark though.

Last night we went on a walking tour of the city's evil little underbelly....a ghost tour you might say. We ended up in what is called The Black Masouluem where one of my contacts came out and had to keep it in my mouth for the next half hour until I could find light to put it back in. I was afraid that I was going to start digesting it...luckily that wasn't the case. Equally lucky, I was not "attacked" by a poltergeist...although one woman claimed afterward that "she is a cynic...and as a cynic she did not believe what was happening to her in the room where MacKenzie haunts.... something...was trying to pull her leg. Several times." Hm. I rather like to think that the women who led us on the trip was on hell of a story teller. I can definitely tell that I watch too much TV that pull the lid off these kind of things...but I was entertained. My favorite part of the tour was after we got out of the Black Masouleum, and searching for that one person who had a flashlight how I was fooled by little red glowing bits of light all around me. Almost EVERYONE had a cigarette.

Anyway. I am off to Jenners and then to the ...I forget what it is called, but I will get a postcard and remember the proper name later.


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