Friday, March 21, 2003

Last night was an interesting night. First of all, I had a minor victory over my dentist. You see, she wanted to pull my right upper wisdom tooth so that she could make a denture guard (I grind...). I asked many questions to the russian assistant, and the eventually the dentist herself, questioning WHY it had to be pulled. It seemed the most drastic choice of all, and I didn't feel the other options were adequeately explored. After many sighs and examinations, and two casts ....we finally got a good impression. Which means I don't have to have the tooth pulled. YaH! for me.

I called Tim because we had to go and celebrate. I wanted a drink at the Lighthouse. There is nothing like the sweet taste of a cold beer after a long haitus, like Old Style friends... The night was interesting because we ended up getting into this 'discussion' with a passionate fool, who wrote a book and gave us a one hour speech regarding his political views. Admittedly, this was our fault because we expressed admiration to the protestor's that blocked Lake Shore Drive for their gump. He later gave us and kindly signed a self published and co authored book, which is a convoulted science fiction story about a Cherokee indian in Dresden with super powers. [Darn, they have a website, but I can't find it and Tim is on the phone]. I will find it for you later, and you can read the glory for yourself. He started to talk more about the book or some theme in it...very proud of the fact that he uses the First Native American superhero, in a book. I *want* to ask more, but I don't really. Then Tim adds "oh She doesn't like science fiction." The man nodded sagely, and then consoled me by saying "One day I will be able to write books for you."

I still wonder what kind of books those would have been about.

We watched Hedwig and the Angry Inch when we got home and ate pizza. Hm. was entertaining. Then went to bed, with Tim still thinking about what an interesting night it was.

Today is a party for Jessica. Why? Because it is her last day. Yah! Last day. Last day. I feel kind of bad that she doesn't have a new job lined up, but I think she will be able to find something. At least I hope so, she does have a master's. She just needs a job that she can be told what to do, and only works with two or three people. Still haven't found a replacement, although we did cull 5 resumes out that we will interview from the combined CareerBuilder and Chicago Reader.

My plans for this weekend include going to a party at Deliliah's for Kate's Birthday, think about buying a new car, hugging and wishing my darling didn't have to leave for two weeks. It's gonna be lonely.


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