Friday, April 04, 2003

After work I went with Eric to his place and had this great mexican leftover casserole type thing that Kate had made the day before and that he reheated. We had dinner, watched bad TV and talked a bit and even had a beer. I really like casserole, I don't think Eric knows that, although he does now. ;) It was also nice to have dinner, which I haven't done too much with the absence of Tim and all. Close to 9:00 I left into the pouring rain to meeting Rachal, Erika, Mischa and newly met Katja at Nick's Uptown. I got lost only once and had to call Eric for directions back to the train -- my shoes were still wet this morning.

The game of darts was head wasn't in the game and I was beat by a rookie.

Today is a good day. It is Jonathan the Temps last day. Thank god. Thank godthankgodthankgod. :D
And Tim comes home today! I am so excited. This has been longest that he has been gone. I haven't been hugged in what feels like years! And Darling brand kisses (TM) are something to die for. And then the cats will lay off harassing me to death, and then he can see how many snails we have and how big they have gotten, and we can go to breakfast at IHOP, and do our taxes tomorrow and feel the weight of adulthood crush our souls. I think I will leave at 5:00 can get home earlier. To think. There is going to be a darling when I get home.


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