Thursday, April 03, 2003

Played Suikkoden III (after a long hiatus). Worked on a letter. Talk with Mischa. Talked with Ben, who gave me the best compliment in awhile. You see, I made their son some moccassin's a couple months ago complete with beadwork and sent it off to them. They thought I got the moccassin's through my Ho-Chunk connections but probably did the bead work myself. HA! I did both! Yah for my work looking like a professional..although it couldn't compete with my Dad's. I have pictures of it, I will put them up later in my soon to arrive craft section. Went to bed at 1.30 am. Slept into 9.00. Took a leisurely shower, had instant coffee, cleaned up the bedroom a bit and made a resolve to make 10 goals for the month of April.

Went to the dentist and got my night guard (for the grinding of the teeth at times of stress), and they gave the cast of my teeth. Cool!!!! It's so neat to look at my teeth all casty like. [Upon lengthy inspection, I have small teeth]. Tim comes home tomorrow!

Now to make those ten goals.


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