Thursday, May 22, 2003

TGIF . Baby. At least for me. I am taking tomorrow off and am going to enjoy a four day weekend, here in the city, not feeling guilty about visiting any family that lives seven - 10 hours away, especially since I saw them at Christmas, and I never said I would come to visit and playing Tim and I off against my little brother is not going to work this time. I haven't had four days to myself to spend at home, with no big overarching SO long.

To start with. Tomorrow we are going to go and see the Matrix. What's that? I hear so many of you yawn "OH I saw that last week." Um. It has only been out for ONE week. What kind of a lousy society is it that everyone has to watch the move in the first week? How individualistic of us. Incredible how we are consumed with the adverstizing blitz so that we feel that we must see it one week or less, or suffer the consequences of being a bad fan, a uncool person, or just plain lame and old.


After that, I don't know what I am going to do. I like that idea.


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