Monday, June 30, 2003

I had written something incredibly witty and facinating about an hour ago, then got interupted as I sometimes do at work, and then forgot about it and closed the window. Suck.

This weekend was camping. How can you tell? It rained. Our new motto is: "If it ain't rainin', we ain't stayin' " but at least the core group of campers was there, that being Sarah and Dave, Sigrid and Matt, Ben and Phil and of course Tim and I. There was a visiter for acouple of hours but they chickened out from the spurts of rain and thunderclouds. Wimps. We played botchi ball and it was a hit! And fun.

The next scheduled camping event is August 8 and 9. Let me know if you would like to go and I will tell you how to get there, and answer any fears or concerns you may harbor about "do and don'ts of camping." Heh. But GO it will be fun, and a great way to destress before all the wedding that are taking place afterward.

This is my last week of living in Chicago with my darling. On Sunday he will be living with John and reliving the good ole single days. I can't imagine why he would want to drive back every weekend. :| Except probably because he will miss his stupid cats. Eh. I always feel a little sad right before it happens, but once he is gone and I have had a day to adjust to the house without him, I get along fine. :) Although I wouldn't object to hanging out with friends during the week and stuff. Hint. Hint.

I have 50 resumes to look through right now. I hope there is at least two or three that are suitable.


Anonymous Choose Options said...

It seems you had a lot of fun!! GreaT

12:56 AM  

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