Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Bummed today. Apparently the other woman that had undercut me in the babysitting for Sophie flaked out, and now the Mom, with good cause, is considering just moving Sophie to a different school where she wouldn't have worry about after school care anymore. If she had just gone with me! I had put a lot of thought into it and had really settled into the idea of doing it everyday until June. It would have been awesome. In any case, she called to tell me that Sophie didn't need picking up today because she was testing out the school, and she thought I only wanted a day or two a week. Which was not the case. I did tell her that...but we shall see. She is going to talk it over with her family and Sophie and decide by Friday.

Sucks. I really liked it too. Now I feel worthless today. I did send out and application for St. Mary's to work as a unit secretary for eight hours a week... at the time I thought it would have been a good supplement for being undercut four days and since it pays 11.60 it would have been comparable.

I don't want to work full time. I want something part time that is meaningful and helpful to others. But I do want to make an extra 200 - 400 a month. At least time made me feel better. He suggested:

1. Picking up poop in backyard
2. Sign up for NetFlix (which I should do because I really want to see the Santa Claus II)
3. Go to East Towne Mall and do some shopping

Long term:

1. Find a charity I admire and look into volunteering.
2. Find a job I have always wanted to do and try it.

And then I thought of taking Pluto out for a walk in the sunshine to let these suggestions sink in. I think he enjoyed his walk, but Pluto is being a bit putzy today. I also made some I think I am going to do some beadwork and take my mind off of everything.

Something will turn up. This wouldn't have happened otherwise, right?


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